Monday, August 3, 2009


This is really uncalled for...

Four months have passed since my last post because I've been really busy with my full time and part time jobs and trying to maintain a life. I am doing good with both of my jobs but unfortunately, I am not very successful with the life maintenance part.

My mind's really messed up and I find myself a lot of times spacing out, just staring at the bright light that my computer emits. Maybe that's one of the reasons why lately, I am always visited by my constant companion.
Let's just call her Migraine.

So after my 3rd cup of coffee, here I am trying to express my emotions just like what I used to do when I was a teenager who always had a broken heart.Pathetic, I know.But writing has been my therapy whenever I feel extreme emotions that no other person could understand.

I am not intending to write a sensible article for people to understand me.
I am writing as a form of temporary release from my solitary confinement and then go back to it afterwards.
I am writing to bring me back to the old me even only for a short period of time.
I write to express.
I write to feel.
Here, I can express what I feel.

Funny but the vagueness of this post is the reflection of my emotions. It is unclear but it clearly reflects what I am feeling at this moment.


The kaleidoscope I own consists of only 3 colors: black, white and gray. Whatever happened to the pink life?

In my quest to look for the other colors in my kaleidoscope, I still have my constant companion.

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